Sunday, June 30, 2013

Do you know about Quilt of Valor?

The Quilt of Valor project is a program where quilt piecers make tops and send them to longarm quilters for finishing. The quilts then go on to injured soldiers from all branches of the military.  It is a great honor to create these gifts for service members who have sacrificed so much to protect our homes and our freedoms.  I encourage each of you to piece a top and contact Quilts of Valor to get it quilted and sent to an injured soldier. The top doesn't have to be large, 60 x 80 will do.  It can be a very simple pattern, or extremely complex. It's up to you.  Here are pictures of the two I quilted today. One has the Circle Lord spirals on it. The other has loops and cookie cutter stars....really, I used the Wilton Christmas cookie tree cutters to make the stars. Please leave your comments below.  I will personally respond to every comment.