I've been absent for a couple of months. End of the year state testing, 8th grade prom, Mayday, and 8th grade graduation have consumed all of my time for the last month or so. Finally, the end of the school year has arrived and I can relax and focus on quilting.
A couple of really exciting things are happening with my quilting business.
#1- I'm getting a new quilting machine. My little APQS Lenni is getting traded in for a big APQS Millenium. I will be able to do larger quilts and wider quilting designs. I am hoping it will be easy to learn so I can get caught up quickly.
#2- I am making a bunch of shop samples for a new shop called Quilters Hollow. You might remember that I have been doing business with her and her online store. Now she is getting an actual storefront in California. I've seen a few pictures. It is going to be really nice.
#3- I am going to Texas in June to attend a fabric dying workshop with the phenomenal Debra Linker. If you haven't seen her fabulous fabrics, check her out on facebook.
I will try to update more frequently now that summer is arriving.